Get inspired by our thoughtful first Mother’s Day gift ideas

Celebrate her first ever Mother’s Day in an extra-special way with a gift she will always cherish. Our selection of personalised first Mother’s Day gifts includes something for every kind of mum which will always remind her of such a special day.

Discover thoughtful gifts for first time mums you can customise in minutes. Why not treat her to an engraved gift, like a piece of jewellery or a beautiful ornament? You could even personalised a photo frame that she can fill with a photo of her and her little one.

How about a photo gift for her first Mother’s Day? Our Mother’s Day photo gifts include personalised pieces of wall art, comfy personalised cushions and more. We also have some beautiful Mother’s Day candles to choose from.

Why not treat her to some much needed pampering? As a new mum, she’s sure to appreciate a Mother’s Day beauty gift, or even an experience day, so she can have a break from being such an amazing mummy.

Don’t forget to find her the perfect first Mother’s Day card to go with her gift. We have some lovely heartfelt personalised Mother’s Day cards to choose from online.